Thursday, August 27, 2009

We are Here! Look Outside! Look at The Clouds!

This experience happened last Thursday August 20th in the afternoon after reading Blossom's channeling # 39.

Again, this is about 'how "soon' is soon". After reading Blossom's channeling about 'soon' I thought "I wish soon was now and they were already here" and I heard a 'voice' that sounded like many voices at once within me saying "but we are here" and I said "where?" I heard again "Look outside, We are here!". I rushed to open my balcony door from my office and I saw there was a thunderstorm going on. I wasn't even aware of this because our windows are kind of noise proof and I had the blinds down. Then I said "I don't see anything" and I heard again "We are here! We are here!" I stayed outside for about 30 minutes waiting to see if I saw anything flying by, but all I saw were clouds and rain. I kept hearing like a tune "We are here! We are here!" Then I came inside and turned on the tv to check the weather channel. There was a "Severe Weather Warning" to all people in Southern Ontario to immediately take cover because there was a "tornado" passing over us. In all 20 years I have lived in Toronto I have never experienced a tornado that I can remember. This kind of things are not usual in Toronto.

Then my mother and sister called me to check on us, they were scared and said there was a huge black cloud over Toronto, there were very strong winds and everything was black. I went back outside and it wasn't that bad over here (we live about 40 min north of downtown Toronto) I could still see a little light behind the many clouds and it had already stopped raining. At this point I asked again "where are you guys, FOL? and I heard again "Were are here!" I said but all I see is Clouds! I heard "WE ARE THE CLOUDS!" and I heard laughter. Then I noticed the clouds were moving in a very unusual way and very fast. I have never seen clouds move this fast and this weird! I said "noooo you are not the clouds!" I heard "Why not? Clouds are Energy made of Consciousness, we are Conscious Clouds! We are cleaning the air and we are helping clean the environment" That's when I said "Ok, I am now loosing my mind and I am imagining things!...Talking to Clouds now...!" and I went inside. I didn't get the feeling They were offended for I heard some kind of innocent and kind laughter.

However, two days later I found this in one of the channellings I was reading from This is from one of Matthews' Messages posted on August 22nd at the Lightworkers website mentioned above:

"PROMETHEUS: We are among these lighted beings and are the forefathers of some of your own human selves. We are from a planetary system in a constellation named Orion. There is no individual aspect of our civilization, but there is perfect harmony in the rhythmic motion of our searching ever toward the light. We have evolved into the needlessness of physical bodies, and our advancements in intelligence and spiritual truth-knowing has enabled us to materialize in thin strata formations that represent the cumulative soul essence and minds of billions of souls.
We understand that it is difficult for you to think of intelligent beings as odd cloud formations, yet we are in this appearance of proximity to Earth to exert the force required for maximum assistance. We are one of the civilizations working on behalf of your physical survival, which is one of the most important aspects of what you call “the cleansing.”
Please remember that only a few such as yourself, who are anticipating otherworld helpers, will see anything other than frequent cloud formations in unusual configurations. The clouds will be your stratus-cirrus variety with “puffs” where an energy vortex is required to lessen the intensity of pollution from the chemicals and other toxins in your soil, water and atmosphere."

Needless to say I almost fell off my chair! But what blew my socks off is that last night FOR THE FIRST TIME (shame on me, lol) I finally watched 'Close Encounters of The Third Kind". (My excuse for this is that I was never a fan of ET's, UFO, Star Trek or anything like that, until this year.) When I saw the way the UFOs were moving through the clouds, OMG! I couldn't believe my eyes! Then I believed the Clouds! (I already apologized to them by the way!)

So as They say: They are here! Look outside, look at the Clouds!


Anonymous said...

Morning Victoria,
What a most beautiful experience (maybe not for those souls still asleep) you had. Your words bring so much the feeling of purest joy to know again, I'm not the only one, YAY.
And again your words helped me remember my own personal relationship with clouds since i started gliding at 12. Bring in the centre of thermals, we didnt really use instruments back then, more fly by the seat of my pants. I was so fortunate to have such a wonderful instructor that had such a passion for gliding, real gliding.

But only of late that I have really started to understand the sufficance of clouds and what they actually are. When clouds are around I feel as if everyone is here watching over us.

There are several strange weather pattens at the moment, we have just had record breaking temperatures and the weekend is going to be in the 30+ degrees, very out of character, but then i think of clouds and the energy I feel with them.
It would be great to hear from anyone else that has experienced unusual weather.
Hang onto our hats brothers and sisters of light.

The pink cloud formation over noosa thursday morning was again way out of the ordinary. Victoria, thank you so much for sharing your experience as by reading it, you again have allowed me to know the feeling of all my brothers and sisters of light.

May our everyday lives be filled with the beauty and wonderment of the new conscinious and our new world.

Walk proud in the light of knowing and the trueness of the feeling we all have within us, just bursting to get out, let go and trust our souls, let them radiate the vibrant colours to everything everywhere.

Be true to your soul always!!!


Victoria said...

Hi Daniel,

This is so exciting. It is happening!!!

As mentioned on my other post I found the following from a channeled message, which confirms that we are not NUTS! it is really happening:

"Where there was red you might now be starting to see something that you call magenta or pink, you know the pink platinum. How many of you have seen the magenta, turquoise, orange crystalline light. All of the colors of the higher dimensions have that crystalline glow, that platinum that shines and makes the colors so luminous. Some of you have seen the ships emitting the mysterious colors, it’s like ‘Hello, yes we are here for you and we are signaling.’ Open your heart just a bit wider and feel the messages that come in as you see the light of the ships. Does this mean you all have to run outside and see the ships otherwise you have flunked? No it does not. As you are looking out at the sky with your 3D eyes open, close your eyes and use your third eye and see all. You are all having wondrou s connections and experiences, so share them. And for who you are, for the totality of who you really are because we have told you many times you are not all you are in the mirror because now you are more in the mirror, enjoy it, love it, live it and be assured you are on the right path, because it’s your path."

It is from the following link:

I suggest reading the whole message for it has much information about what is going on right now.

What is also amazing is that on August 20th, the same day I saw the clouds millions of people in China witness UFO sightings !!!

This is what I found about that:

"Two huge, rotating, glowing, mist shrouded, mother-ship type UFOs have been seen by millons of residents in the Chinese cities and regions of Shahe, Xingtai, Ren County, South County, as well as Yongnian County. The event occurred on the evening of 20 August beginning at around 8:30pm. The UFO crafts hovered above, making large circles over the area, for over two hours and had locals terrified. Police received thousands of calls regarding the UFOs and various government authorities have rushed to the area to investigate further. Officials have offered explanations as to what the object was. One theory is that it was a laser light show. Another that it was a bizarre weather pattern. Interestingly China's mainstream media outlets conceded that the many witnesses who saw the UFOs were certain it was neither of these things. The event has been widely reported by media within China...THE SONG IS FRANK ZAPPA "Cosmik Debris"..."

This is the youtube link:

Thank you again for sharing!

Much Love,


Anonymous said...

WOW now that I have read and re-read the channelling from Matthew, Brothers and sisters of light everywhere, We are here, for there will be no stopping of this calling.
I feel the energy every moment.

Before I read blossoms last channelling I made a conscious promise to the devine and my soul.
I announced this with unconditional love and peace in my delivery to the everyone everwhere. Those words are:
I will always walk toward what I may percieve as fear.
I will walk in the truth of my light always;
I will brilliantly illuminate my unconditional love for all to see publically;
I choose to walk with my brothers and sisters of light;
I choose to turn my left hemisphere off;
I choose to turn my right hemispher on;
I choose freely to allow the devine to illuminate my path;
I choose the foundations for my soul-brain to be established and aligned with my cellular formula;
I choose to resonate those vibrations that I feel all the time;
I choose to stand within the vibrational frequency;
I choose to feel and allow my brothers and sisters of light to educate my soul-brain at a hightened rate so that soon, very soon the intergration between my soul-brain and physical may manifest.

The level and significance that I have allowed my self to begin to realise is nothing less than absoulty profound.

I find that visual messages appear when a soul is looking at something and the message will be delivered. I tend to think about it for a couple of minutes and the it goes bang and everything falls into place. There are other times that it feels like i have been hit by a freight train and the feeling and love that comes through can leave me gasping for air.

We should all feel so very humbled and proud within our own prespective. Like me I promise you that when you trully allow the truth of your light shine brilliantly, it brings one to tears of absoulte joy and unconditional peace and forgiveness.

I also know that the wonderful experiences that we are all having in our own very special and personal way are making each one of us stronger in our own dedication within our own prespective of our calling. Over the past couple of days in meditation I have slipped into what feels like 6 or 7th deminsion. I only stay there for a moment or two, but the feeling that I am left with is just wanting to return to that vibration and stay there forever.
Again as in blossoms channelling, we are all worthy, for we would not have agreed to come here to pave the way for mankind, for the whole globe, for everything everywhere.

Part 2 to follow
Light Warrior

Anonymous said...

Part 2

Dare to meditate back to before the beginning of time and then replay histroy from your souls prespective and give permission for the soul to illuminate the path and allow yourselves at a physical vessel level to feel it, really, really feel it.
If it becomes too light and pulling you upward, (sort of like on a wild roller coaster ride) then channel your beautiful white light into mother earth and fill her with your being in the NOW and this will settle the feeling. My spontainious goosebumps are normally going nuts by this stage.
Allow the deep focus and awareness of your soul to bring forth the answers that you seek.
Allow yourself absoulte unconditional freedom when chatting to your soul.
Turn your ego OFF, train and practice to allow it to become dormaint. It will serve a purpose later on, but not until your soul-brain has intrated with your physical vessel.

This will be a ride of your life, the colours are immense and totally wow in vibrance of colour and the wow feeling is simply that, it is as it is, in all its awesome peace and beauty.

Dare to stand and follow what you trully know to be the truth in you own light. Do away with all the conditions of society, those things will take care of themselves as you begin to come into concert with the vibration frequency that you are becoming atune to. Just remember that we are so so much more than what we are as a human vessel.
As a guide, what we feel in deep meditation is only a drop in the ocean to what we feel when in continious connection with the devine and our own purpose.

Apologies for the soul dump, but just needed to share what i understand to be my purpose.

Victoria, again i can not begin to thank you enough for simply being who you trully are in the truth of your light.
I offer these words to all that read them:

Thank you Federation of Light and all souls everywhere for allowing my viration highten to such a degree as to bring not only blossom and victoria into my deminsion, but also all my brothers and sisters of light everywhere.

Feel the love, the unconditional love that comes to you, that you know you feel it in your heart place, you know you feel it in your conscenious, you know that when your in this space, you are trully being yourself. Be there, for it will manifest before your very eyes, goto the paradise of paradises and stay there, build it, colour it, feel it, with your soul directing the way.

As blossom mentioned in one of her channellings, if it seems that you are fighting the upstream current in you canoe, then simply visualize yourself turning it around and going with the flow of the current.
Do no resist what you feel within you, do not resist the most beautiful feeling as ou allow it to perminate throughout your whole being. Stay focused in this space, for it will guide you gently along your path. Follow it for you will experience the most insightful and awesome journey.

Be true to your soul always my brothers and sisters of light!!!

Smile with your soul on your lips all the time.

Light Warrior

Anonymous said...

I dont know where to start victoria, thank you for the link, I think my soul-brain dump was delivered within the correct deminsion. Wow a million times over. I am foriegn to the feeling that i am receiving from everything around me.
I am becoming aware of subtle vibrations coming through things I touch or walk past. This is awesome, wow awesome, bring it on Federation Of Light and all our guides and mentors.

The first several lines of the Ceremony of Homecoming was given to me in a channelling with White Cloud just over 12 months ago. It all fits into place and there is total human logic supporting it.

Lets all dare to open up and step way out of our own comfort zone and smile at everyone publically. Just think of the simple ripple effect it will have, test it, prove it to yourself, it has worked all my life and now it has been confirmed by this channelling, do it for every one, from you soul self, feel it, feel the goosebumps as they tingle the very cells of your forearm hair. Breathe it into your very beings, bring your physical alive with the pureness of your simple radiant smile from your soul. Not expecting anything in return, just simply doing it and allowing it to be.

Be true to your soul always AND SMILE WITH YOUR SOUL!!!

Light Warrior

AnonimaAnonima said...

And what about this :)

Anonymous said...

Wow the last picture of the Orbs was breath taking to say the least. And what a beautiful celebration to share with so much unconditional love about.

Be true to your soul always!!!


Anonymous said...

I saw a cloud some months ago now that was flashing light within it There were no storms about and I was drawn to this cloud, I often get drawn to the clouds as if they are talking to me, on the 24th of October 10 days after the 14th no show or spot on depending on what calender you go by dark clouds gathered, I felt very unsettled my dear young friends nose started to bleed something very unpleasant was happening we all could feel it.