Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thank You All

Hello Everyone,

It's been a while since my last post. I apologize for this, I have been very busy since my 3 daughters finished school for the year in June. They'll go back to school on the second week of September, so for now we are not always home as we are going to different places on mini vacations trips. This Friday we'll head to Ottawa for 4 days. We'll be visiting museums, galleries, etc. I'm sure it will be fun. However, I miss blogging, chatting and getting to know you all, my new galactic friends.

I want to thank all of you who read my blogs and specially those who are brave enough to "follow" my blog and post a comment, lol. Now, seriously, really Thank You! for reading my small contribution to our "AWAKENING" by sharing my experiences with you. I hope that my sharing makes at least some difference or add a little something to your life.

I found myself sharing on other blogs some of my very interesting dreams that relate to these times, so I will re-post them here in my next blog. Later on I will add to this blog more of these very "special" dreams ("special" as I see them). I called them "special" because to me they are somehow prophetic or enlightening at the very least, for I have been having these kind of dreams ALL my life. These dreams are different from ordinary dreams in many ways and they help me understand things about myself and this reality, and some of them come through or at least warn me of things that my happen and give me a "heads up" to avoid them or look forward to them. But I'll talk about that on another time, for now I'll share what I think is RELEVANT TO ALL OF US during these times on planet Earth. I trust that for those of you who are guided to read them, it will enrich or add to your personal growth by providing another perspective to your overall perception of this reality we are currently experiencing together. However, as always, it is your choice to think what you will of them.

Love and Light to ALL of you from my heart to yours,


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