Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dreams of The Times - A LIGHT SHOW

Space/Light Ships, FIRST CONTACT, Light Show, Great Joy to Remember, Full Cosnciousness, Our Mission to Serve

I had this dream a few weeks ago in mid July. In this dream I was in my home with my family and we heard something was happening outside. We all run outside and saw all the neighbors looking up to the skies. It was night and I saw the whole sky filled with Light Ships! what a VIEW!

Then I noticed the ships were moving up and down and sideways as if dancing and saying "hello". As if they were putting up a show for us and I thought "WOW they were right, this is an AMAZING Light Show!  Blossom is going to be very happy to see this!".

Then I noticed one of the ships was coming down closer to me at a very rapid speed then it just stopped mid-air two feet above me. I noticed that this ship was made out of or it was just pure 'liquid' white LIGHT and it changed to different shapes. I can't explain what shapes they were. Note:  Even within the dream I was struggling to make out the shapes in 'human' terms or words and also IT was changing form too fast to comprehend. I remember paying extra attention to the shapes but I have never seen within this reality of human shapes the shapes I saw then. I think they were not of human form as in of 'human understanding'.

I then reached out to touch it and as I did I felt electrical currents going up and down my body. It didn't hurt so I touched it again but this time after the currents and vibrations subsided I realized that I remembered more of myself and the ships were very familiar. I touched the ship a third time and after this time I felt I had regained full consciousness and memory of myself. Then I thought "Oh, this Light Ship IS ME! I REMEMBER NOW! How could have I forgotten? How silly of me to forget about myself!!!"

Then I laughed so hard about this with them and I jumped and danced in GREAT JOY for a while. After that I went back to my house where many people that I didn't even know in my life were gathered together waiting for me. As I went in I thought "Now I am a Servant for this people".

The End.

What I think about this dream, after doing some reading about First Contact, is that we somehow are going to receive some kind of vibrations/frequencies that are going to help us fully remember who we are. Like the FOL said sometime ago we are going to be "activated" to remember our mission to serve this planet and its people, our dear brothers and sisters. Or is it that it already happened for me in another dimension during this dream? Because I remember now...

It is always a great joy to share my favorite dreams with you all.

Much Love,



Blueagle said...

Hi Victoria!
The Light ship that came very close to you and was pure Light was your Merkabah (your chariot) That is how we will be activated! There is much written about Merkabah. These are the true ships of Light! they can be very samll or very large (huge)...
It/They are our vehicle/s of ascension.

The ships of the Higher Light according to "The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch"
Key 301 v4. Merkabah appears in a multiplicity of forms: it can be seen as a pure energy envelope of Light associated with the work of a Master, as well as a manifestation of extraterrestrial technology of Light, for which reason it is called a "vehicle of vehicles." Merkabah is a vehicle which can take on any membrane or color appearance to correspond with you and guide you into other experiences of creation.

(remember they (the FOL) said they would give a show beyond anything we could imagine. They also said we would have no doubts as to who they were.)

5. Merkabah creates and controls time translation and is the hookup or overlap between dimensions of light.

13. What is the source of this greater power? The power and direction of Merkabah proceeds directly from the mind which is in conjunction with God. It is the mind of the Master which literally operates, controls and stabalizes the Merkabah at all times so that when the true Merkabah passes through the Heavens it heralds the message of the Father.

v51. (snip) Only the child of God who can operate on that frequency, is capable of seeing and discerning the presence of their energy field connecting with ours.
(All of us who are, and have been working on the ascension will be on that frequency)

Can you recall the different shapes that you saw?

52. The discerned energy field of the vehicle, during space maneuvers, typically can appear as a pulsating pyramid, a pentagon, or a Star of David. In addition the Higher Evolution has flight patterns which go through multiple tracings of light, through complicated triangular coordinates. They do this to key into certain time periods of the species growth and development. They generally appear in the lower heavens as three vehicles in triangular formation. (snip)

Your dreams are really getting exciting! Thanks for keeping us posted.

Victoria said...

Dear Blueagle,

Thank you so much for your excellent information and comments. This is great to know, with your help now I understand better many of my dreams. For example, in my other dream named FREEDOM I went into a spaceship bubble (where I found a beautiful bright light in the middle) and I moved across dimensions, space and time while riding within this bubble. So now I understand that that bubble was/is my Merkabah. But where is my Merkabah now? and how can I access it?

I have heard about the "The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch" but I haven't read it yet. Do you have a link to an online version of this book?

I certainly can recall the shapes that I saw, but even within the dream I was struggling to make out the shapes in 'human' terms or words and also IT was changing form too fast to comprehend. I remember paying extra attention to the shapes but I have never seen within this reality of human shapes the shapes I saw then. That's why I simply said on my blog "I can't explain what shapes they were."

I think they were not of human form as in of 'human understanding'. However, while I was touching the Light ship while IT was relatively still IT looked similar to the Light that is within the picture I have at the top of the right side bar on my blog (named "Love and all there is".

Thanks again for following my blog and your encouragement for me to share my dreams. Now that I know that it really makes a difference to someone for me to share them, I promise I will share more of them as I had so many more really good dreams that I haven't shared yet.

I am looking forward to your comments, Much Love and Light to you Blueagle!


Victoria said...

Hi Blueagle,

I regards to what you said :

"v51. (snip) Only the child of God who can operate on that frequency, is capable of seeing and discerning the presence of their energy field connecting with ours.
(All of us who are, and have been working on the ascension will be on that frequency)"

What about the rest of the people on Earth, are they going to be able to see them? We are going to sound like nuts if others can't see what we see, no?



Blueagle said...

Hi Victoria!
per your last question, I too have wondered that. I got online in 95' mainly for my studies. during that time I have been on blogs and chats that people have actually seen ufo's and motherships, huge ones....They say that others standing next to them didn't see a thing. I truly think it is according to how high our vibration. And I can tell you we are all different. If it is ok, I will continue to put stuff on your blog but I would really like your private email. Some things I feel I need to clear with you first before I put down. I will tell you why in email. it should be with my account.

I feel I could tell you a book!! thats the truth....I'm so excited to have found your site. I feel you think as I do.
I have been on a path about 20 yrs and I want to tell you that my first true corroborating books (and this was about 94') was the books of the Masters of the Far East!

BTW, if they speak to you again, ask if they have been to NW ARkansas yet? :)) It is raining here...(I love the rain) but not hard and I have waited several days so I keep going outside.
Blessings Blu

Blueagle said...

Hi Victoria,
In regards to your second question. There is no online 'Keys of Enoch' but there is a website. I think it is
that book cost me $50 in the mid 90's (maybe 96 or 97') I dont know how much it is today...I dont think you will find a used one tho. Many have tried. (its one of those deal where if you purchase this book you are suppose to have it.)

With me it was a case of buying and having it when I needed it. This has happened with many books I have bought over the yrs. I started out getting acquainted. I read the glossary. He suggests to do this in the introduction. It is seed-syllables, thought forms of the language of Light used by the Masters and Brothers of Light in preparation for the 'Keys'.

I didn't get into a class of the Keys til 01 and 02 (1 whole yr) I out of the class and only picked it up occassionally then picked it back up in about 06 and have had it in my hands everyday since. It is like it downloads the Light into your system. I can't put it down now. He talks of the Galactic Federation of Light working in conjunction with the Higher Light Forces or the Hierarchy.

(Bloss's last channel introduced themselves as the Heirarchy) since I am reading this stuff everyday I get quite excited. Your dreams have really helped. Blessings

Victoria said...

Hi Blueagle,

My e-mail address is I am so excited to hear ALL you have to say!!!!

You are welcomed to post your contribution here as long as it is of Love and Light of course, I am sure they will be.

When I read from your comments "Masters of the Far East" !!! I had strong vibrations running through my body from the top of my head!!!

Oh, how I wish I could find the book about the "Keys of Enoch TOO!!!

If I can't find it you are going to have to tell me all about it!



Anonymous said...

Evening Victoria and Blueagle,
It has been wonderful reading your comments, makes so much logical sense. And yet another piece to the beautiful puzzle we are playing with. We will all highten in vibration as we become more and more aware. There are many, many ranges of frequencies that envelope mother earth and beyond. And Blueagle hit the nail on the head, we will see according to the frequency that we resonate. It will be much higher than the one we use to know and yes many of us that have evolved to God's vibrational frequency range, will see all there is to see.

Everyone will have the same opportuntity to allow themselves to become aware and evolve, but we cant put the cart before the horse and thats why there are millions of wayshowers and lightworkers, illuminating their own path to show the way to others. Yes every one on mother earth will see according to their frequency. I feel that it wont be their physical doing the atunement of their respective frequencies, it will be their souls and higher selves providing this awareness without their direct knowledge.

Be true to your soul always!!!



Anonymous said...

Hi Blueagle,
Thank you for shedding light and showing the way with your enlightening detail.

Yesterday when I experienced the golden glow around my front gate yesterday morning, I have thought whether I should have walked through my gate and up into their vibrational frequency.
But then again on reflection, I have found and realised so so much soul brain strength that I am now walking tall as a beacon for the Federation and my brothers and sisters of light everywhere.
When in meditation I know of a decision I made when I stood in the golden light and looked at their vessel (pink cloud) deciding to remain and walk my path, step by step, inclusively within the soul truth of my light. I know within my own soul self that it wasnt my time, but that time is coming and fast.
It is so so exciting and humbling at the same time to dare to explore these individual experiences we are all having.

Your comments, perspective will be welcomed.

Be true to your soul always!!!


Blueagle said...

Hi Daniel!
And thank you so very much for leaving your print here. It too has helped me tremendously. As I told Victoria I am so excited for the two of you. I even read your passages from yesterday morning to my best friend on a long distance chat this morning.
I see more and more correlations each day and Victoria's dream site here is a big plus for all of us ascending and to me, for my studies over the years have come to a point at this time where I see them coming to pass daily.
I am so very grateful for the TRUTH and for the LIGHT that we are.
We each have a part of the code and by sharing we en-Lighten each other.
I can see how you would not want to leave the vibrations that you entered. I have yet to experienc those feelings that you and Victoria speak of, but I know that is how it is suppose to be.
The thing of it is, once you have been 'there' you can always go back. And that is how you will help others.

And when you verbalized this: "The feeling that you experienced in this dream I have felt it over the past several days. I feel it very deep in my being and it is such an enormous feeling, I stumble just trying to get my soul around it."
It makes me want to humble myself and cry for all of earth and the people here that all may know this truth and have these feelings.

Thank you so much for your SELF and your LIGHT! and... for your comments.
Many Blessings!

Faith said...

Hi Victoria-
Thank you for posting your wonderful dreams- I have many interesting dreams too, and have had several in the past few months that seem like CONTACT is imminent! I went on and found used copies of Keys of Enoch for $41 or so...

I own the book and highly recommend you get it!

Do you know about Victoria Liljenquist-? here's her site--

She has amazing video of ships changing shape rapidly, multi-colored--might be like what you were describing! I own her dvd, very highly recommended. There is a trailer on her site.

Much love, Faith

Victoria said...

Hi Faith,

Thank you so much for the links!

In regards to Victoria's videos:

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I Couldn't believe it was actually happening in front of my eyes!!!!

They are EXACTLY the way I saw them in my DREAMS!!!

OMG! I don't know what to say...I am ...lost ...for words!!!

Thank you so much again for the link. Please feel free to share it at Blossom's Blog.

IT IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!!!!! Thank you!!!!

Here is the link to the video:

I have only seen the first video so far but that is the one I saw. There were many of them, actually.

To everyone who is reading this, if you want to know how the ships looked like in my dream watch the first video from the link.

Much Love,


Victoria said...

By the way, Faith please feel free to share your dreams here, I am sure we will enjoy reading about them.

Hi Daniel and Blueagle, I hope you get to watch the video also. It is Amazing!



Blueagle said...

Hi Faith! Thank you so much for the knowledge about Amazon and the used copies of the 'Keys'.....I have looked several times for friends at Amazon, and Biblio, (which carries a lot of these type books but have never seen a used copy. We also have a huge used bookstore here in our town that have countless newage books but they have never heard of it. Anyway, I think its one of those cases when you really want it and need it, it will be there for glad you found one.
and thank you so much for site.
I watched every single one of those and Victoria...this is so exciting to me! and timely. she said in the last video that they gave her a window for travel til Sept. That is one more day. Faith, did you post this at Blossoms site. This last channeling that Bloss posted of the FOL I could actually feel her and for her. If she hasn't seen these they may really help her...and many others who are beginning to lose faith.
Thanks again and many blessings!

Victoria said...

Hi Guys,

In regards to the e-book version of "The Book of Knowledge, The Keys of Enoch" you can download it from the StarSeed Library at

"With Love" has been so kind to put it in her site.

I hope you enjoy the book and find the information helpful. I believe it is an incredible book, full of Knowledge!

Much Love to you All,


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you, stay well and 'In Love' my friend